Editing Blog

 Editing my film was very fun to do. I actually enjoy editing because I can make it look cool or more smooth. This is the longest video i've edited. This film was 2 minutes long but, beforehand the longest I have ever edited was a minute. I played around a lot more when it came to editing this time. I changed up the colors of the word and even changed the font of the letters. I used two colors for the word it was either yellow or white. I mostly used white but, I used the yellowe for specific titles and also because it stood out more than the white in those scenes. I also changed the font because I didn't want it to be boring and basic like all my other films, I wanted my final task to be different. I did struggle at first with changed the letters and the colors of the font because I had never done it before. I did end up getting the hang of it and now actually know how to do it. It was honestly very easy after learning. I will be changing the font and the colo more often because it actually looks interesting and different. When I originally uploaded all the clips, the film totaled to about almost 3 minutes. I really went above the two minutes. I had to trim the video down a lot to meet the maximum and minimum requirement of the film being two minutes long. It was actually not as hard as I thought it was going to be removing film. I thought it was going to be hard because if I took out certain parts out it wouldn't make sense. But, I was easily able to take out some clips that were similar to each other. Also, I left the most important parts, cutting down the videos in parts the film wasn't necessary.


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