Title Research: Crash
This film I got from the website Watch the TItles. What titles are displayed in the opening sequence? Many titles were displayed like the name of the movie, the producers, the directors, and the main actors. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The opening scene was is based on a black background. There is light though that passes behind the black background making it appear different shades of blue around the light and at the center where the light is it appears white. Also, the letters are a chrome color which stands out from the background. What connotations do these images carry? The light that passes through the background makes me think about car headlights. This helps me infer that the movie is going to be based on a car crash. Also, since the name of the movie is crash it also helped lead me to the conclusion. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? The film establishes a feeling because of the music in the background. The music is mysterious and makes the opening eerie. Also, suspense is added because in the letters during the opening sequence aren't perfect and round edged. As the words come closer to the screen becoming larger in size you could see that the letters have dents in them like if they have been crashed or hit. What strategies are used to ensure the film appears to its target audience? To ensure it appears to the audience they target the senses of the viewers. For example, the suspense during the opening sequence engages someone on watching because it gives them some excitement because they know something up. Also, the words moving close to the screen becoming bigger in size is appealing and catches attention. It emphasizes what is being presented and doesn't make it boring. The music in the background is important in catching attention because it is what sets a mood from the start of the movie. The music adds suspense in the case of this movie which is important when making a thriller movie. How has technology been used effectively? The transitions were very smooth fading into an all black screen. It was done at a medium past which gave just enough time for reading the titles. The perfect length allowed for the opening sequence to not be too fast or too slow. Making the titles appear at a wrong speed can make the audience miss information or make the audience bored by making the titles stay to long on the screen.
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