Starting the Final Task

                       Hi my name is Liliana Rubio and i'm finally going to start my final task for my Aice Media class. I am currently in 11th grade at Fort Lauderdale High School. I was born in south Florida and have lived my whole life down here. Even though I have lived my who life in Florida there is a part of me that wants to move to Texas. I want to move to Texas because it reminds me a lot of Mexico and I am always at my happiest when I am in Mexico. Both of my parents were born in Mexico so, i'm mexican-american. I love traveling to mexico and I actually just came back from Mexico a month ago. I played soccer every year for my school but this year I wasn't able to. I had surgery which didn't allow me to play and then also because of covid I couldn't play. I decided to take AICE Media not only for the credit but because I enjoy watching movies and learning how its done seemed cool to me. Actually gaining the experience of doing some filming was a huge motive for me. I decided to do this task independently. I choose not to work with anyone because it would be easier for me. Since the pandemic started it became difficult for people to socialize and hang out. I would've worked with my friend but then finding filming dates would've been difficult because we may have different schedules. Also, when working with someone, sometimes the other people don't want to put any effort which is annoying. Working by yourself avoids all complication that can come from working with someone else who may not be trying their best. So, I personally would find it easier working by myself because I wouldn't have to depend on someone else putting part in doing the task. Also, I wanted to be able to experience doing a film all by myself and not with a partner for personal growth. I wanted to get my own originally ideas and put it in a film. 


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