Spring Break

  The week that just passed was spring break and it allowed for time to get everything together. Even though there was no filming done, there was a gathering. I was suppose to film but, a very important event happened and filming wasn't possible on the weekend. Also, during the week I was working a lot. On the weekends I was also going out now that I finally had my weekend free without having to do any homework or classwork for school. I focused on myself more during the break. I decided to put school completely to the side even though I did think about my project. The gathering I did was on saturday when I hung out with my family. We decided on the date we were going to film. Also, I made sure that they had their outfits ready for the filming date. So, this spring break was used more for the benefit of me forgetting all about school. It was a week of relaxation and releasing all the stress built up. I was able to gain focus this week by not multitasking everyday. Almost everyday I was working and doing school at the same time. It did become difficult because I had to focus more on one thing then the other. This lead to me falling behind in some of my classes and having to catch up in the afternoons with all my other homework. I did relax this week and enjoyed myself when I wasn't working. I went to go visit family on the weekends and during the week I went to the beach and went to go play soccer. Soccer for me is my favorite stress reliever and getting to play felt great. Seeing my family was also good because I haven't seen them in awhile.


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