Production blog

 I still haven't started filming. I am still waiting on the clothes I ordered for the filming. The clothes is important for the film. The reason it is important is because it helps with the background of the characters. Also, since I just finished doing all my planning it was going to be difficult to start filming right away. I needed the weekend to plan more stuff out. For example, I had to think about the clothes I and the rest of the actors in the film have to wear. Since I used up the weekend planning other things I couldn't film. I can only film on the weekends because that is the only time everyone can get together. During the week I babysit and do school. The other people who are going to act either work or live somewhat far. This makes it difficult for filming during the weekdays. This makes the weekends the only dates available for filming. The film will take longer to film because there is only time on the weekends. The film once recorded will come out to be super good. Because of all the planning, on the filming day it will be a breeze. Since everything is prepared and scripted, everyone will be prepared on what they have to do. It is possible to record the whole film on the same day. So, filming should be done this weekend unless something prevents me from being able to film. But, the backup I had with the planning did delay me with ordering the clothes and getting the last detail right.


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