Title Research: Silent Hill

I found this film opening sequence on Watch the Titles website. What titles are displayed during the opening sequence? In this opening sequence, there were actors names, directors names, music creators names, producer names, and more people who participated in something directly toward the movie. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The images prioritized consisted of a creepy looking house and people from the film. The images were based on the colors black, white, and grey. The actual titles were only in the color white and always on a black background. What connotations do these images carry? These images created a sense of fear. The images were creepy especially one that was a girl with blood on her face. Also, the images being black, white, and grey helped infer that the movie was going to be on some type of horror game. Especially with one image being of a bunch of people with a bag or something on their face and blood on their clothes and bodies. Also, the image of bars which could have been human cages. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?  The film establishes the feeling of thriller from the onset mainly by the music and the images a little. In my opinion the music contradicted the images. The music added excitement because of the beat while the images created a sense of fear. Thriller films do shows fear and danger in their films. Danger is also presented by the images because of the setting. The setting of all the images looks like an abandoned place that looked very sketchy. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? An effective strategy was to connect with the senses of the audience. The film gives a lot of creepy vibes and excitement because of the music. It helps with keeping people on the edge. The fast moving camera and many different images work in capturing the attention of the audience even if it's only a black and white film. The great detail seen in opening sequence is very appealing.  How has technology been used effectively? The tracking movements were very good in developing the mood. Also more movement like tilt and pan were also effective in setting a mode of danger and creepy. The transitions were very good with fading to black and then putting the next clip. The titles are put for a good amount of time and in the correct places.


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