Title Research: Hostage
I found this film on the website Watch the Titles. What titles are displayed during the opening sequence? In this opening sequence, there were actors names, directors names, music creators names, producer names, and ect... What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? In this opening sequence the main images is like views of the city and houses. The colors were just black, red, white, and grey. The colors of the words changed with each new title slide to a color that stands out from the background. What connotations do these images carry? The constant still images hint out a crime scene in a big city. There are many aerial and wide shots of the city and close shots of a house, news reporters, and cops. This all helps lead to the idea that there has been a crime committed. Especially with some of the images showing people with guns. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? The music in the background adds excitement and tension. With the images shown during the opening scene you could see cop cars, new reportes, and a house. Those images correlate with the music in creating tension. Also, the use of many camera movements coming from different angles also help produce a feeling of excitement. All of this allows for the audience to set a mood before the actual movie commences. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? The length of the opening sequence wasn't short and gave hint about what the movies was going to be based about. The sense of the audience were targeted with the music and images. This was done because the music and images created a mood of tensity because it looked like a huge crime had occurred. The colors were also very appealing to the eye. Also, the constant moving of the camera made it catch attention and also the images being highly detailed were a huge attention getter. How has technology been used effectively? The camera angles like high angle, low angle, and dutch were effective in setting a mood. The camera movements worked especially great on helping set the mood with the use pan, crane, zoom and tilt. The transition were made very smooth and effective making it appealing to the audience. Each image didn't pass by fast it was given more than enough time to read. With the different angles and movement it was effective and made it interesting.
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