My Pitch
My first pitch: A powerful mexican cartel head bosses kid gets kidnapped. My second pitch: A prestigious business owners daughter gets killed on her wedding day. For the official choosing, I choose the first pitch. I will be basing my film on a mexican cartel boss who kid got kidnapped. I love watching telenovelas which are known as soap operas. This especially inspired me on what my film will be about because my favorite type of telenoveles are narco ones. Also, since I love these type of films so much I decided to make my own film. I am also mexican so I could've found any better theme for my film. The pitch I choose will also be easier than the other one. The reason for me thinking that is because the story of the first pitch is much more easier for me personally to film since I know about the subject. The whole filming process would be easier for me. Especially figuring out the setting for the film in the first pitch would be a lot easier then the second one. Also, the second pitch requires much more props, costumes, and people. Finding a wedding dress would be on the hard side because not many people keep their dresses. Also, buying a wedding dress would be too expensive. The second pitch would've also required a lot of more decoration because the main setting would be in like a wedding venue. Also, because it would require a lot of extras in the film, it would be to difficult to achieve that with the social distancing and only small group gatherings. On the other hand, the first pitch was the idea choice since location and costumes was going to be very easy. Most mexican cartel leader style up westen or really basic. The location was going to be very easy since my grandmas house is very mexican and would fit perfect with the film. The film also wouldn't require as much people to be in it.
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