Genre Research: Us

 What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? Some elements they have in common are suspense, danger, fear, anticipation. They may have these elements in common but in my final task they are going to be expressed in a different way. Since my final task is being based on someone getting kidnapped, already it's a very tense film. What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? The number one element that I liked was the suspense. This movie was full of suspense and was so amusing to watch. In one of the scenes during the movie where the girl lost site of the other girl and suspense and tension was created. This was created because I knew the girl was going to pop up out of nowhere at any moment. That was anticipated also because of the music during the scene and what the occurrence before that was. Also, I liked the excitement produced in this movie. For example the race inbetween the girl and her dopple. It was a very intense moment that was exciting because the dopple was trying to kill the actual girl. The dopple give the girl a head start and the race commenced and it was pure excitement and tension. This part especially kept you on the edge of your seat which I loved. The violence was also another plus in this movie. The fighting between the people and their dopples was supper intriguing to watch and kept your attention completely. This movie sucked all your focus to it because of how good it was made. What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you? I didn't dislike any element for this genre in the movie. If I had to choose one that I disliked the most it would be fear. The reason for this was because fear in some cases didn't fit in the best. The danger, suspense, and violence was a lot more better for the movie to be based on.


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