Genre Research: The silence

  What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? Some elements they have in common are suspense, danger, fear, anticipation. They may have these elements in common but in my final task they are going to be expressed in a different way. Suspense is going to help lead to the kidnapping in my film because it's going to aware the watchers something is up. So, it's also going to influence a person's anticipation. What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? This movie had a lot of elements of the genre film. My favorite element was the suspense. One scene the built a lot of suspense was at the beginning of the movie.  It was a scene where the girl locked at her dog and walked towards him because he was barking. The girl was deaf and we were put in her shoes because we couldn't hear the dog bark and we saw that the dog had goosebumps. This lead suspense lead to anticipation that something was off and not right. The sense of danger was developed from this which I really liked. Another element I really liked was the excitement of the danger that was seen. For example, the people had to be supper silent and couldn't make a single noise because it would get them killed. The tension created in scenes was beyond well done because it kept us on the edge. A scene where the guy was walking as silent as he couldn't inbetween a bunch of the creatures made so much tension in that scene. I was on the edge of my seat hoping and saying that the guy doesn't make any noise because he would die. What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you? One element I didn't like was the fear. I feel like the sense of fear wasn't emphasized as much as it should've been. It is more based on suspension, danger, and tension which wasn't bad. The exotic location was't one of my favorites it was too original. A different location would've been better.


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