Editing My Music Video
When me and Jose edited we were both at his house. We only edited on one computer and it was on mine. Editing wasn't supper difficult for me. I always find doing the transition supper easy. While my partner Jose has more of a difficult time with adding transitions. He found adding sound to the film easier so I did the transitions and he was watching me. I was also like teaching him how to do the transitions so he'll know for a future project. I added the transitions supper easily with no problem. I did play around with some of the transitions to see what would look the best and most unnoticeable transition. I wanted the film to flow very nice with no extreme noticeable cut which is another reason for me playing around with the transitions. Also, when I put all the video clips into my editing app, we passes the requirement of the video being exactly 1 minute, we had 1 minute and 44 seconds about. We used IMovie to edit our film. I had to cut down some scenes a lot and even take some out to bring the time down. Cutting down the scenes to make it down to the 1 minute requirement was one of the hardest things to do. We didn't want to take off to much of some clips. Also, we didn't want to remove some whole clips in general but, we ended up having to delete them. Another annoying issue when editing is that the video kept saying 1:01 minutes when it was only 1 minute. We tried to fix it like five times i made sure it was in the 1 minute mark but, it just didn't work. I ended up making it 0:59 and it saved as 1 minute. But overall the editing process was easier since i've had practiced a few times already.
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