Research Blog: Music Video Conventions

Research Blog
               Music videos tend to be long ranging from 2-5min. Some videos can even last longer than that. Conventions construct the messages and meaning within the music video. Music videos tend to have long scenes. Our song that we chose fits in the genre of dance/electro. This genre can also be referred to as EDM (electronic dance music) music. These types of videos tend to have a young crowd. This makes it appealing to young people. The settings of these videos are usually in a club, big open areas, and even swimming pools. But, it's usually that setting for when the beat drops and it gives a very happy/energetic mood. The scenes tend to change with the beat of the music. The music tends to be a very hyped/energetic beat throughout the whole video. But it's different since the beat is like steady at some points and then at other the beat completely changes to a more fast moving music. Also when the beat changes like that which is referred to like when the beat drops, there is no lyrics with it it is just music playing. These type of films tend to use quick cut when switching to a new scene. Common camera movements that can be found in these music videos are: pan and tracking shots. Some common shots used in these films are long shots, close-up, mid shots, and wide shots. The clothing used is casual and what teenager or young adults typically wear. The lighting tends to be natural unless it is being filmed indoors. There isn't usually props used since it is a normal film but, if there in a parting scene maybe red cups, glow sticks, and glow bracelets. There usually tends to be a lot of people in the film even if there's an actually story to the song. 


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