Postpone on filming

             During this one week of vacation that me an my partner had, we didn't film. On the last day of school before break I wanted to film but I went to go play soccer instead all the afternoon. So by the time I finished there wouldn't been any sunlight so we couldn't have filmed. I did want to film the day after the last day of school before brake. I ended up getting busy that day so I didn't even end up mentioning filming to Jose. We could have filmed in the morning because I was available but I just wanted to relax. In the afternoon I went to a gathering with my family. The day after that I was free all day I had nothing planned. It was also a very sunny day so perfect for filming and getting it over with. I ended up leaving to my cousins house because I preferred spending time with my family since I wasn't busy. I honestly didn't feel like filming. I didn't want to do anything dealing with school. I just wanted to take a break from anything related to school. I decided to spend more time with my family. Since, I usually have a lot of school work and never leave my room even when school is over because of homework. I also ended up leaving for a mini vacation out of town for thanksgiving. It was a last minute plan made by my family which also prevented me to be able to film. I left in the middle of the week so I did have some days available to film but didn't. Also, Jose ended up leaving to so we couldn't record. We just ended up deciding that we were going to film once school started again because we would both be back by then. 


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