Title Research: Art of the Title Website

I am researching this website because I need to learn about making titles. For example, I need to learn how to make the title fit with my task. I know nothing on making titles and the process of it so, researching is necessary to make a great title. During a quick glimpse of the website I saw many different ways titles were portrayed. Some had all the letters capitalized while others only had the first letter of each word. I quickly learned the the main basic way of styling a title is at the center of the screen and in all capitals. The color of the words need to be a contrasting color making it pop out on the screen. Titles also tend to be on an all black background or a dark color like red, navy blue, or even gray. From looking through many titles I learned also that the image that the title is going to be on is important. Many movies have an image that shows a glimpse of the movie or gives a hint to what the movie is based about.


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